Embracing Solar Power: Navigating the Pitfalls of DIY Installation
The surge in interest in renewable energy has prompted many homeowners to consider installing solar panels on their properties. While the prospect of harnessing the power of the sun is exciting, self-installing DIY solar panels can be a challenging endeavor. In this blog post, we will explore common mistakes made during different stages of the installation process and provide insights on how to avoid them. The beginning stage, site survey, design and permitting, installation, and shipping are all crucial phases that demand attention to detail.
The Beginning Stage: Setting the Foundation
The beginning stage of solar panel installation is undoubtedly the most pivotal, as it lays the foundation for an accurate proposal. A common mistake at this stage is rushing through the initial assessment, leading to inaccuracies in the proposal and potential setbacks later on.
Site Survey: Precision Matters
Moving on to the site survey, the accuracy of measurements is key. Proper pictures of roof truss spacing should be taken, and roof measurements, including any obstructions, must be meticulously recorded. During the site survey, clarity in verbiage and visuals is crucial. Clearly define where you want the solar panels installed and assess if you have sufficient attic space for the installation.
One significant mistake at this stage is neglecting to account for potential obstacles or failing to communicate your intentions clearly. Whether it’s a tree casting a shadow or an unusually shaped roof, ignoring these factors can lead to inefficient energy production.

Solar Panel Mistakes 1: Neglecting Roof Measurements
A common pitfall is underestimating the importance of accurate roof measurements. Oversights in measurements, such as ignoring roof obstructions or miscalculating available space, can result in a design that doesn’t align with the reality of your roof.
Solar Panel Mistakes 2: Lack of Clarity in Communication
Clear communication during the site survey is paramount. Failing to articulate your preferences or overlooking potential challenges can lead to costly adjustments during later stages. Ensure that you communicate where you want the solar panels and confirm if your attic space is adequate for the installation.
Design and Permitting Stage: Attention to Detail
Moving into the design and permitting stage, meticulous attention to detail is crucial. Approving your planset requires a thorough review to visualize the installation accurately. Changes to the design are much easier to implement before submitting for approvals.
Ensuring Correct Placement and Information
Ensure that the panel, A/C disconnect, service panel, obstructions, and electrical runs are all in the correct location according to the approved plans. Check that all the information on your application, including your name, address, the number of panels, and system size, is correct. Remember, during the application process, you are the contractor/installer, and any discrepancies can lead to delays.
Solar Panel Mistakes 3: Hasty Application Submission
One prevalent mistake is submitting the application hastily without thoroughly checking all the details. It’s essential to take the time to review and ensure accuracy before submission. Each application is unique, and the approval process can range from days to months, depending on various factors.
Installation: Precision is Key
As you move into the installation phase, precision becomes even more critical. Take measurements of the equipment and map it out on your roof before installation. Avoid pre-cutting rail unless absolutely necessary to compensate for obstructions. Map out the layout on separate paperwork or cardboard, providing a site map for inverter layout.
Following the Planset: Stick to the Plan
One major mistake is deviating from the approved planset during installation. Any changes to the layout can result in equipment shortages, leading to delays and additional costs. Always follow the planset provided, and if adjustments are necessary, contact the supplier before making any changes.
Solar Panel Mistakes 4: Neglecting System Monitoring
Another common mistake is neglecting the importance of system monitoring. To monitor your solar panel system, create an account with the inverter manufacturer. Different systems may have specific requirements; for instance, APSystems must be set up following specific instructions. Failure to follow these guidelines can compromise the efficiency and performance of your solar panels.
Shipping: Handle with Care
Finally, when it comes to shipping, receiving your shipment correctly is crucial. When signing the paperwork, note “Possible Damage” next to your name. Your kit will be shipped 3-5 business days after the final payment, and it’s vital to notify the supplier if you won’t be able to receive the shipment, as holding charges may incur.
Thorough Kit Inspection
After receiving the kit, you have three days to dismantle it and inspect for any damage during shipment. Inspect panels, rails, and other equipment carefully. If any damage is detected, notify the supplier immediately. This step is often overlooked, leading to complications during installation and potential issues with the performance of the solar panel system.
Learn from Mistakes, Share your Experience
In conclusion, self-installing solar panels can be a rewarding but challenging undertaking. By avoiding common mistakes at each stage – from the beginning phase of setting the foundation to the final step of inspecting the shipped equipment – homeowners can ensure a smoother installation process.
As you embark on your solar journey, remember to take the time to understand each stage thoroughly, seek professional guidance when needed, and follow instructions meticulously. Mistakes are inevitable, but learning from them and sharing your experiences can contribute to a more informed and successful community of solar enthusiasts.